Thursday, December 3, 2009

Custom facebook URL With 25 Fans!

You can now make your custom facebook fanpage url with just 25 fans! Mine is Woo hoo! No more long url with random numbers! Click here to be taken to the Etsy thread that tells you how.


SuaVoce said...

I should probably do this! I have to admit, I get a bit lazy with my fan page.


EmmysBoosAndRawrs said...

i'm glad my review helped! =]

Does your facebook page help sales or traffic any? I have yet to make one, even though i have a blog and twitter, i just can't make sense of how facebook helps draw in new people to your shop. with twitter, its easy to expand your followers by foloowing new etsy people. with my blog, people just seem to find it somehow, haha. but i don't get how facebook would help, as it seems like you could only get people to follow it if they've already seen you on etsy or your blog, twitter, etc.

Niki said...

SuaVoce, I hear ya! I too get a bit lazy, but the url was easy to set up, and I think, way worth it. It's much better to paste a facebook url with your shop name than a url with a bunch of random numbers.

Niki said...

Emmy, the point of the fan page is a lot like twitter. You follow other etsians, post your fan page url in the promotions forums so others can find you. Also, like twitter, your fans can see any updates or announcements you make. I can say that it DOES help with traffic. My top two referring sites are twitter and facebook. Sales, I can't say if it has brought any in, simply because I have no idea where my sales come from. I haven't figured out how to find that info yet. :-P Hope that helps a bit.

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