Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Desert Wheat and Contest

So I have been tagged by Velvetwoods! Check out my previous post for some info on her blog and shop. But here's the rules for this photo tag game.

1. Open your first photo folder
2. Scroll to the tenth photo
3. Post the photo on your blog and tell the story behind it
4. Tag people to do the same

So my tenth photo was this desert wheat plant. It's not really wheat, but that's what it looks like to me. It had just rained so I ventured out with my camera and I liked the rain drops on the stalk. Also, it was still rather cloudy and I didn't adjust my settings right so I apologize for the grainyness.
So to help this continue on:

2ndcoming is tagged
beFREEdesigns is tagged
Glowbug Design is tagged

Also, one of my sparrow necklaces has been entered into a contest on DawnWillBreak's Blog. Join in the fun and cast your vote. The winner receives a free pair of earrings. So stop by and support your favorite artists!


Anonymous said...

Hi Niki. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on the new blog banner. That is funny that my very 1st banner was flashy. I've toned it down since then. I guess it was the thrill of a new blog. Who knows. :-)

befreedesigns said...

i will take on this challenge :)

velvetwoods said...

That's a lovely photo ! It does look like wheat.I love going out and taking photos after it had just rain too.Everything smells fresh and has a hazy wonderful glow about them.

Must go and check out the content !

cabin + cub said...

great photo!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo, and about the movies, when do you find a time to watch them?

Niki said...

Thanks guys. Visart, my hubby and I stay up pretty late, so after everything is done we sit down and watch a movie and then go to bed. It's a nice way to wind down at the end of the day.